
How To Register A Trademark A Phrase

How to Protect a Trademark, Phrase, Slogan or Strap-line

It is possible to trademark a phrase, slogan or a strap-line?

Yes, in principle, information technology is entirely possible to register as a trademark any strap-line, trademark, phrase or slogan.

Very many such phrases immediately spring to heed such as 'Ameliorate by Design', 'Liquid Technology' 'Smirnoff: The Difference is Clear' and 'L'Oreal: Considering Y'all're Worth it!'

In fact, a trademark is legally defined as "any sign capable of being represented graphically which is capable of distinguishing goods or services of ane undertaking from those of other undertaking. A trade marking may, in particular, consist of words (including personal names), designs, letters, numerals or the shape of appurtenances or their packaging."

So there are probably many elements inside your marketing may be regarded as a trade mark: phrase, slogan, logo, shape, design – all these tin can exist protected by trademark registration.

Trade marking phrases or strap-lines do sometimes crave special consideration, every bit they can often be difficult to register in their own correct. A distinctive give-and-take or combination of words is necessary to form a registrable verbal trade mark. A trademark phrase that is in mutual use, or simply states that a product is 'best', or 'super, or 'de luxe' is oft regarded as mere advertising slogans that cannot be registered equally a trademark without exceptional evidence of a well-established reputation.

For any further advice and data, please contact united states and one of our experts will exist happy to assistance.

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How To Register A Trademark A Phrase,


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